Sex organ is the forbidden meat

Nowadays, seldom you could find a preacher teaching "oral sex" as forbidden "meat eating". Instead, you could find priests and preachers, who are fun of sex organs. At the same time, they are silent on the issue and some are allegedly forgiving and accommodating to homosexuals, lesbians and heterosexuals, who are also sexually "eating" the same organs. Consequently, y ou may have reasons to doubt on their sexuality and orientations. These doubts are based on Genesis 9:4 which states: "4The one thing you must not eat is meat with blood still in it; I forbid this because the life is in the blood" (Today's English Version) and the following premises, to wit: First premise - the reason for prohibiting "eating meat with blood still in it" is because "life is in the blood" and not because "blood is life" or because of "blood" in meat. Second premise -if you take out "life" in blood, ...