Forbidden meat

Fish pond
The statement related to forbidden meat is:"The one thing you must not eat is meat with blood still in it." 

Most persons focus on the literal meat that even children may eat, however, as will be presented in the series of articles, the meat that is being prohibited will unlikely be eaten by children but will be vigorously eaten by the adults.

Book of Genesis verses related to forbidden meat were spoken to Noah after the flood. Cautiously,  when someone prohibits an act right after a very traumatic event, such as flood, the essence of the prohibition is more related to the root causes of the event.  

Specifically, the verses will be discussed in relation to "same-sex marriage", including "oral sex", "eating uncooked meat", sodomy and reproductive health law. The influence of United States through "same-sex marriage" shall also be discussed, including the Philippine reproductive health law and its repercussions.
To forewarn, the author will be very thankful if nothing significant will happen this coming April 2014. He has his basis but will be affirmed only by everybody at that time. When the author says April 2014, he is referring to a month and year, not hours or days.

As an introductory topic, the subject Book of Genesis verses are quoted, as follows;

1God blessed Noah and his sons and said: "Have many children, so that your descendants will live all over the earth. 2All the animals, birds and fish will live in fear of you. They are all placed under your power. 3Now you can eat them, as well as green plants; I give them all to you for food. 4The one thing you must not eat is meat with blood still in it. I forbid this because the life is in the blood. 5If anyone takes human life, he will be punished. I will punish with death any animal that takes a human life. 6Human beings were made like God, so whoever murders one of them will be killed by someone else.7You must have many children, so that your descendants will live all over the earth." (Genesis 9:1-7,TEV)
Before discussing fully the issue, let us believe in good faith that the translation of the "Word" from its ancient language to the present version is correct and that the translation takes into full consideration the sequence on how the "words" were spoken, specifically on the above cited verses. Having done so, then let us proceed.

Studying the verses, the following elements are noted:
  1. General statement- Taking a human life is punishable. (Verses 5 and 6).
  2. If the one taking a human life is an animal, God will punish the animal with death. (Verse 5)
  3. If the one taking is a human being, then God permitted other human being to kill him. (Verse 6)
  4. There is distinction on the procedure of punishment between human beings and animals. (Verse 5 and 6)
  5. Human beings are superior to animals.(Verse 2)
  6. Human beings are permitted to eat animals. (Verse 3)
  7. There is no prohibition whatsoever on killing of animals. (Verses 1-7)
  8. The statements were spoken to human beings not to animals. (Verse 1)
  9. There is no specification what "meat with blood still in it" is prohibited to be eaten-either the meat of a human being or animal, (Verse 4)
  10. The verses are opened and closed with "procreation" statements. (Verse 1 and Verse 7)
The critical questions: Are the verses consistently referring only to human life? Specifically, is the term "life" stated in verse 4 refers only to human life, instead of "animal life"? What is the significance of knowing the operational definition of "life" in verse 4? Next issue is determination of word "life".

If interested in final discussion, click to The Oral Sex Theory to have a comprehensive understanding.


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